Posted on December 17, 2019
Spine 1.3.0
This PR brings several API improvements to the library.
Notable changes:
- A
interface is introduced. It marks the messages that are generated with Spine Model Compiler and can provide theirtypeUrl()
(#495). - The deprecated
utility is now removed (#495). - A lot of third-party dependencies are updated to the newer version (#496).
- The conversion routines in
will now support the number-basedEnumValue
instances (#501).
Core Java
This release includes several API improvements for the library, as well as some new features.
Notable changes:
- The new high-level client API is introduced (#1186).
- Rejection classes can now be properly subscribed to (#1193)
- Several multi-threading tweaks are applied to improve the delivery process (#1200).
- The
event is added. It signals to the user that the aggregate state has become invalid and the aggregate cannot handle any more incoming signals (#1199). - It’s now allowed to subscribe to the same rejection type multiple times with the different causes (#1205).
- The subscription topic is now additionally validated on the client to fail fast on invalid topic creation (#1197).
- The
can now be specified in the ordering filters for queries and subscriptions (#1198). - The
-based tests now have aDiagnosticLog
which logs all received diagnostic events with a meaningful message (#1209). - The
now provide the type of the duplicate signal (#1209). - A lot of third-party dependencies are updated to the newer version (#1195).
A public release of the Spine Web library.
In this release, the client API got a revamp to simplify calls and provide all the features that the Java client provides. See #125, #127.
Bootstrap, JDBC Storage, Google Cloud Java, Time libraries’ artifacts were published as compatible with the Spine framework in version 1.3.0.