Posted on November 08, 2019

Spine 1.2.0


This release includes several new features and some existing feature improvements for the library.

Notable changes:

  • The client based on Dart programming language is now available. The base is extended with Dart-related tools.
  • Several API improvements for precondition checks (#486, #487).
  • It is now allowed to disable the validating builders generation when using Spine Model Compiler (#493).
  • A new EntityState marker interface is introduced for proto messages that represent a state of an entity (#494).

Core Java

This release includes several new features and some API improvements for the library.

Notable changes:

  • The client based on Dart programming language is now available.
  • The rules applied to handler methods are now strictly enforced. See #1175
  • A new (column) option is introduced in place of an old column API (#1184).
  • Several API extensions for the Delivery process (#1182).
  • The entity state is now properly rolled back on rejections (#1181).
  • An ability to create system request factories is added (#1177).
  • Performance improvements for the external events dispatching (#1180).
  • An EmptyContext placeholder is introduced to easier API for messages that do not require a context (#1185).


A public release of the Spine Web library.

Notable changes:

  • The client based on Dart programming language is now available.
  • The order_by query attribute is now supported in the JS client (#121).

Google Cloud Java

This release brings a couple of API improvements to the library.

Notable changes:

  • A new API for Datastore transactions is introduced, making them thread-safe (#132).
  • All Datastore-related test utilities are moved to a separate testutil-gcloud module (#131).

Bootstrap, JDBC Storage, Time libraries’ artifacts were published as compatible with the Spine framework in version 1.2.0.