
public final class QueryBuilder extends TargetBuilder<T, B>

A builder for the Query instances.

None of the parameters set by the builder methods are required. Call build to retrieve the resulting Query instance.

Usage example:

ActorRequestFactory factory = ... ;
Query query = factory.query()
         .withMask("name", "address", "email")
         .where(eq("type", "permanent"),
                eq("discountPercent", 10),
                eq("companySize", Company.Size.SMALL))
         .orderBy("name", ASCENDING)

Arguments for the where method can be composed using the Filters utility class.

See also


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public Query build()
Generates a new Query instance with current builder configuration.
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public QueryBuilder limit(int count)
Limits the number of results returned by the query.
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public QueryBuilder orderBy(String column, Direction direction)
Sets the sorting order by the target column and order direction.

Inherited functions

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public B byId(Array<Message> ids)
public B byId(Array<Integer> ids)
public B byId(Array<Long> ids)
public B byId(Array<String> ids)
Sets the ID predicate to the io.spine.client.
public B byId(Iterable<? extends Object> ids)
Sets the ID predicate to the targets of the request.
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public String toString()
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public B where(Array<CompositeFilter> predicate)
public B where(Array<Filter> predicate)
Sets the predicates for the io.spine.client.
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public B withMask(Iterable<String> fieldNames)
public B withMask(Array<String> fieldNames)
Sets the entity fields to retrieve.