
public final class EventFilter extends TypedFilter<M>

A subscription filter which targets an Event.

Can filter events by conditions on both message and context. See factory methods of the class for details.


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public static EventFilter eq(EventContextField field, Object value)
Creates a new equality filter which targets a field in the event context.
public static EventFilter eq(EventMessageField field, Object value)
Creates a new equality filter which targets a field in the event message.
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public static EventFilter ge(EventContextField field, Object value)
Creates a new "greater than or equals" filter which targets a field in the event context.
public static EventFilter ge(EventMessageField field, Object value)
Creates a new "greater than or equals" filter which targets a field in the event message.
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public static EventFilter gt(EventContextField field, Object value)
Creates a new "greater than" filter which targets a field in the event context.
public static EventFilter gt(EventMessageField field, Object value)
Creates a new "greater than" filter which targets a field in the event message.
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public static EventFilter le(EventContextField field, Object value)
Creates a new "less than or equals" filter which targets a field in the event context.
public static EventFilter le(EventMessageField field, Object value)
Creates a new "less than or equals" filter which targets a field in the event message.
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public static EventFilter lt(EventContextField field, Object value)
Creates a new "less than" filter which targets a field in the event context.
public static EventFilter lt(EventMessageField field, Object value)
Creates a new "less than" filter which targets a field in the event message.
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public boolean test(Event event)

Inherited functions

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public Predicate<T> and(Predicate<? extends Object> other)
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public static Predicate<T> isEqual<T>(Object targetRef)
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public Predicate<T> negate()
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public static Predicate<T> not<T>(Predicate<? extends Object> target)
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public Predicate<T> or(Predicate<? extends Object> other)