
public final class Targets

Client-side utilities for working with Query and Topic targets.


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public static TargetFilters acceptingOnly<I>(Array<I> id)
Creates TargetFilters which accepts only entities with the passed identifiers.
public static IdFilter acceptingOnly(Collection<? extends Object> identifiers)
Creates an IdFilter which accepts only the passed identifiers.
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public static Target allOf(Class<? extends Message> targetClass)
Create a Target for all events/entities of the specified type.
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public static Target composeTarget(Class<? extends Message> targetClass, Iterable<? extends Object> ids, Iterable<CompositeFilter> filters)
Composes a target for the events/entities matching declared predicates.
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public static Target someOf(Class<? extends Message> targetClass, Set<? extends Object> ids)
Creates a Target for a subset of events/entities by specifying their IDs.