
public class Client implements AutoCloseable

The gRPC-based gateway for backend services such as CommandService, QueryService, or SubscriptionService.

A connection can be established via host/port combination, or via already available ManagedChannel.

Multitenant applications need to specify TenantId for a new client connection. Single-tenant applications do nothing about it.

Client requests can be created on behalf of a guest user, if the user is not yet authenticated, and on behalf of the current user after the user is authenticated.

Please note that Spine client-side library does not define the authentication process. The Client class simply relies on the fact that UserId passed to the method onBehalfOf represents a valid logged-in user, ID of whom the client application got (presumably as field of a UserLoggedIn event) following due authentication process. The server-side code also needs to make sure that the UserId matches security constraints of the backend services. Security arrangements is not a part of the Spine client-side library either.

Subscriptions to entity states or events must be cancelled when no longer needed to preserve both client-side and backend resources.

The client connection must be closed when the application finishes its work.


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public final class Builder
The builder for the client.


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public final static UserId DEFAULT_GUEST_ID
Default ID for a guest user.
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public final static Timeout DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT
The default amount of time to wait when closing the client.


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Creates a builder for posting guest requests.
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public void cancel(Subscription s)
Requests cancellation of the passed subscription.
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public void close()
Closes the client by shutting down the gRPC connection.
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public static Client.Builder connectTo(String host, int port)
Creates a builder for a client connected to the specified address.
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public static Client.Builder inProcess(String serverName)
Creates a client which will be connected to the in-process server with the passed name.
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public boolean isOpen()
Verifies if the client connection is open.
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public ClientRequest onBehalfOf(UserId user)
Creates a builder for requests on behalf of the passed user.
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public void shutdown()
Same as close.
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Obtains subscriptions created by this client.
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public Optional<TenantId> tenant()
Obtains the tenant of this client connection in a multitenant application, and empty Optional in a single-tenant one.
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public static Client.Builder usingChannel(ManagedChannel channel)
Creates a builder for a client which will use the passed channel for the communication with the backend services.