
public abstract class AbstractStatefulReactor<I, S extends Message, B extends ValidatingBuilder<S>> extends AbstractEventReactor

An abstract base for AbstractEventReactors which have state and require delivering the messages through an Inbox.



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protected void AbstractStatefulReactor(TypeUrl stateType)
Creates a new instance of the reactor and initializes the Inbox for it.


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protected B builder()
Returns the current state as a ValidatingBuilder for the respective message.
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public DispatchOutcome dispatch(EventEnvelope event)
Dispatches the message contained in the passed envelope and returns the outcome.
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protected final void flushState()
Immediately writes the changes made to the current builder to the storage.
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protected abstract Optional<S> load(I id)
Loads the state from the storage by ID.
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protected abstract B newStateBuilderWith(I id)
Creates a new instance of the respective state ValidatingBuilder and sets the passed identifier to it.
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protected abstract ImmutableSet<I> route(EventEnvelope event)
Selects the target to which the event should be dispatched.
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protected abstract void store(S updatedState)
Stores the passed state in the storage.

Inherited functions

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public boolean canDispatch(E envelope)
Checks if this dispatcher can dispatch the given message.
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public void checkNotRegistered()
Verifies that this instance is NOT registered yet.
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public void checkRegistered()
Verifies that this instance is already registered.
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public abstract DispatchOutcome dispatch(E envelope)
Dispatches the message contained in the passed envelope and returns the outcome.
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public boolean dispatchesEvents()
Verifies if this instance dispatches at least one event.
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public boolean dispatchesExternalEvents()
Verifies if this instance dispatches at least one external event.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> domesticEventClasses()
Obtains classes of domestic events processed by this dispatcher.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> eventClasses()
Obtains classes of all events processed by this dispatcher.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> externalEventClasses()
Obtains classes of external events processed by this dispatcher.
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public boolean isRegistered()
Determines if this instance is already registered with a Bounded Context.
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public abstract ImmutableSet<C> messageClasses()
public ImmutableSet<EventClass> messageClasses()
Obtains a set of message classes that can be processed by this dispatcher.
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public Nothing nothing()
Obtains the io.spine.server.model.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> producedEvents()
Obtains classes of the events produced by this object.
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public Any producerId()
Obtains the name of this reactor, packed to Any.
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protected void registerIn(Stand stand)
Registers this reactor in Stand as an event producer.
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public void registerWith(BoundedContext context)
Registers this instance as a part of the given Bounded Context.
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public Version version()
Returns a zero version.