
An abstract base for all classes that may produce events in response to other events.

Events may be produced in response to both domestic and external events.

To use one, do the following:

  1. Create an instance, specifying the event bus which receives emitted events.
  2. Register.

See also




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public void AbstractEventReactor()


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public DispatchOutcome dispatch(EventEnvelope event)
Dispatches the message contained in the passed envelope and returns the outcome.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> domesticEventClasses()
Obtains classes of domestic events processed by this dispatcher.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> externalEventClasses()
Obtains classes of external events processed by this dispatcher.
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public boolean isRegistered()
Determines if this instance is already registered with a Bounded Context.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> messageClasses()
Obtains a set of message classes that can be processed by this dispatcher.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> producedEvents()
Obtains classes of the events produced by this object.
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public Any producerId()
Obtains the name of this reactor, packed to Any.
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protected void registerIn(Stand stand)
Registers this reactor in Stand as an event producer.
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public void registerWith(BoundedContext context)
Registers this instance as a part of the given Bounded Context.
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public Version version()
Returns a zero version.

Inherited functions

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public boolean canDispatch(E envelope)
Checks if this dispatcher can dispatch the given message.
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public void checkNotRegistered()
Verifies that this instance is NOT registered yet.
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public void checkRegistered()
Verifies that this instance is already registered.
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public boolean dispatchesEvents()
Verifies if this instance dispatches at least one event.
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public boolean dispatchesExternalEvents()
Verifies if this instance dispatches at least one external event.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> eventClasses()
Obtains classes of all events processed by this dispatcher.
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public Nothing nothing()
Obtains the io.spine.server.model.