
public class Stand implements AutoCloseable

A bridge which connects QueryService and SubscriptionService with a Read-side of a Bounded Context.

Each BoundedContext contains only one instance of Stand.

The Stand is responsible for obtaining results of queries sent by the QueryService.

The Stand also manages creation of subscriptions, their activation, and delivering updates to the subscribers when requested by the SubscriptionService.

See also

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Spine Architecture Diagram


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public class Builder


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public void activate(Subscription subscription, SubscriptionCallback callback, StreamObserver<Response> responseObserver)
Activates the subscription created via subscribe() method.
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public void cancel(Subscription subscription, StreamObserver<Response> responseObserver)
Cancels the Subscription.
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public void close()
Closes the Stand performing necessary cleanups.
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Obtains the bus listener which propagates all events and state updates to subscriptions.
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public void execute(Query query, StreamObserver<QueryResponse> responseObserver)
Reads a particular set of items from the read-side of the application and feed the result into an instance.
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public ImmutableSet<TypeUrl> exposedAggregateTypes()
Reads all Aggregate entity types exposed for reading by this instance of Stand.
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public ImmutableSet<TypeUrl> exposedEventTypes()
Reads all event types produced by the repositories associated with this Stand.
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public ImmutableSet<TypeUrl> exposedTypes()
Reads all Entity types exposed for reading by this instance of Stand.
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public boolean isMultitenant()
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public static Stand.Builder newBuilder()
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public void registerTypeSupplier(EventProducer producer)
Registers the passed EventProducer as the event type supplier.
public void registerTypeSupplier(Repository<? extends Object, ? extends Object> repository)
Registers the passed Repository as an entity/event type supplier.
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public void subscribe(Subscription subscription)
Registers this inactive subscription is this Stand.
public void subscribe(Topic topic, StreamObserver<Subscription> responseObserver)
Creates a subscription for the passed topic.