
public final class DefaultEventStore extends DefaultRecordBasedRepository<I, E, S> implements EventStore

Default implementation of EventStore.


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public void DefaultEventStore()
Constructs new instance.


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public void append(Event event)
Appends the passed event to the history of events.
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public void appendAll(Iterable<Event> events)
Appends the passed events to the history of events.
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protected boolean isTypeSupplier()
Tells if this repository should be registered as a type supplier with a Stand of the BoundedContext to which this repository belongs.
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public void read(EventStreamQuery request, StreamObserver<Event> responseObserver)
Creates the stream with events matching the passed query.
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public void registerWith(BoundedContext context)
Initializes the instance by registering itself with the passed BoundedContext.

Inherited functions

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public final void applyMigration<T extends TransactionalEntity<I, S, ? extends Object>>(I id, Migration<I, T, S> migration)
Applies a given Migration to an entity with the given ID.
public final void applyMigration<T extends TransactionalEntity<I, S, ? extends Object>>(Set<I> ids, Migration<I, T, S> migration)
Applies a Migration to several entities in batch.
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public void checkNotRegistered()
Verifies that this instance is NOT registered yet.
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public void checkOpen()
Ensures that the object is open.
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public void checkRegistered()
Verifies that this instance is already registered.
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protected static S checkStorage<S extends AutoCloseable>(S storage)
Ensures that the storage is not null.
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public void close()
Closes the repository by closing the underlying storage.
public abstract void close()
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protected final BoundedContext context()
Obtains the BoundedContext to which this repository belongs.
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public E create(I id)
Create a new entity instance with its default state.
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protected abstract Storage<I, ? extends Object, ? extends Object> createStorage()
Creates the storage for this repository.
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Obtains StorageFactory associated with the ServerEnvironment for creating standard storages.
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public final Class<E> entityClass()
Returns the class of entities managed by this repository.
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Obtains EntityFactory associated with this repository.
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Obtains model class for the entities managed by this repository.
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public final TypeUrl entityStateType()
Obtains the TypeUrl for the state objects wrapped by entities managed by this repository.
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Creates an EventFilter for this repository.
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public Optional<E> find(I id)
Finds an entity with the passed ID.
public Iterator<E> find(TargetFilters filters, ResponseFormat format)
Finds the entities passing the given filters and applies the given FieldMask to the results.
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public Optional<E> findActive(I id)
Finds an entity with the passed ID even if the entity is active.
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protected E findOrCreate(I id)
Loads an entity by the passed ID or creates a new one, if the entity was not found.
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public Iterator<EntityRecord> findRecords(TargetFilters filters, ResponseFormat format)
Obtains iterator over entity records matching the passed filters.
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protected final boolean hasContext()
Verifies whether the repository is registered with a BoundedContext.
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public final Class<I> idClass()
Returns the class of IDs used by this repository.
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public Iterator<I> index()
Returns an iterator over the identifiers of all the entities managed by this repository.
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public final boolean isOpen()
Verifies if the repository is open.
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public boolean isRegistered()
Tells if the repository is registered in a BoundedContext.
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public Iterator<E> iterator(Predicate<E> filter)
Returns an iterator over the entities managed by the repository that match the passed filter.
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Obtains an instance of EntityLifecycle for the entity with the given ID.
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public Iterator<E> loadAll(ResponseFormat format)

public Iterator<E> loadAll(Iterable<I> ids, FieldMask fieldMask)
Loads all the entities in this repository with IDs, contained within the passed ids values.
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public Iterator<EntityRecord> loadAllRecords(ResponseFormat format)
Obtains iterator over all present entity records.
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public void onRegistered()
The callback is invoked by a BoundedContext when adding the repository.
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protected void onRoutingFailed(SignalEnvelope<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object> envelope, Throwable cause)
A callback invoked when an exception is thrown from message routing.
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protected final void open()
Initializes the storage of the repository.
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Ensures that the repository has the storage.
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protected final Optional<R> route<M extends Message, C extends MessageContext, R>(Route<M, C, R> routing, SignalEnvelope<? extends Object, ? extends Object, C> envelope)
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protected final Storage<I, ? extends Object, ? extends Object> storage()
Returns the storage assigned to this repository.
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public final boolean storageAssigned()
Returns true if the storage is assigned, false otherwise.
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protected final StorageConverter<I, E, S> storageConverter()
Obtains StorageConverter associated with this repository.
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public void store(E entity)
protected abstract void store(E obj)
Stores the passed object.
public void store(Collection<E> entities)
Stores Entities in bulk.
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protected E toEntity(EntityRecord record)
Converts the passed record into an entity.
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protected EntityClass<E> toModelClass(Class<E> cls)
Obtains a model class for the passed entity class value.