
public abstract class TransactionalEntity<I, S extends EntityState, B extends ValidatingBuilder<S>> extends AbstractEntity<I, S>

A base for entities, perform transactions events.

Defines a transaction-based mechanism for state, version, and lifecycle flags update.

Exposes validating builder for the state as the only way to modify the state from the descendants.



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protected void TransactionalEntity()
Creates a new instance.
protected void TransactionalEntity(I id)
Creates a new instance.


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protected B builder()
Obtains the instance of the state builder.
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public final boolean changed()
Determines whether the state of this entity or its lifecycle flags have been modified since this entity instance creation.
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protected void clearRecentHistory()
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public final LifecycleFlags getLifecycleFlags()
Obtains the current state of the entity lifecycle flags.
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Provides error message text for the case of not having an active transaction when a state modification call is made.
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Obtains recent history of events of this entity.
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protected void remember(Iterable<Event> events)
Adds events to the recent history.
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protected final void setArchived(boolean archived)
Sets archived} status flag to the passed value.
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protected final void setDeleted(boolean deleted)
Sets deleted} status flag to the passed value.
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protected final void setInitialState(S initialState, Version version)
Sets an initial state for the entity.
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protected Transaction<I, ? extends TransactionalEntity<I, S, B>, S, B> tx()
Obtains the transaction used for modifying the entity.

Inherited functions

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public void afterInvoke(HandlerMethod<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object> method)
A callback for a handler method invocation end.
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public final Api at(Level logLevel)
Obtains a new fluent logging API at the given level.
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public void beforeInvoke(HandlerMethod<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object> method)
A callback for a handler method invocation start.
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protected final List<ConstraintViolation> checkEntityState(S newState)
Verifies the new entity state and returns ConstraintViolations, if any.
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protected void checkNotArchived()
Ensures that the entity is not marked as archived.
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protected void checkNotDeleted()
Ensures that the entity is not marked as deleted.
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protected final S defaultState()
Obtains the default state of the entity.
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protected void ensureAccessToState()
Ensures that the callee is allowed to access Entity's state() method.
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public boolean equals(Object o)
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public int hashCode()
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public I id()
Obtains the identifier of the entity.
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public String idAsString()
Obtains ID of the entity in the string form.
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public boolean isActive()
Verifies if any of the lifecycle attributes is set.
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public final boolean isArchived()
Tests whether the entity is marked as archived.
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public final boolean isDeleted()
Tests whether the entity is marked as deleted.
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public LifecycleFlags lifecycleFlags()
Obtains current lifecycle flags.
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public boolean lifecycleFlagsChanged()
Tells whether lifecycle flags of the entity changed since its initialization.
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protected EntityClass<? extends Object> modelClass()
Obtains the model class.
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public final S state()
Obtains the state of the entity.
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protected EntityClass<? extends Object> thisClass()
Obtains model class for this entity.
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public String toString()
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public Version version()
Obtains the version of the entity.
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protected int versionNumber()
Obtains the version number of the entity.
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public Timestamp whenModified()
Obtains timestamp of the entity version.