
public interface EventDispatcherDelegate

A common interface for objects which need to dispatch events, but are unable to implement EventDispatcher.

This interface defines own contract (instead of extending MessageDispatcher to allow classes that dispatch messages other than events (by implementing MessageDispatcher), and dispatch events by implementing this interface.

See also



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public boolean dispatchesEvents()
Verifies if this instance dispatches at least one event.
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public boolean dispatchesExternalEvents()
Verifies if this instance dispatches at least one external event.
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public abstract DispatchOutcome dispatchEvent(EventEnvelope event)
Dispatches the event and returns the outcome of dispatching.
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public abstract ImmutableSet<EventClass> domesticEvents()
Obtains domestic event classes dispatched by this delegate.
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public abstract ImmutableSet<EventClass> events()
Obtains all event classes dispatched by this delegate.
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public abstract ImmutableSet<EventClass> externalEvents()
Obtains external event classes dispatched by this delegate.
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public ImmutableSet<String> identity()
Returns immutable set with one element with the identity of the multicast dispatcher that dispatches messages to itself.