
public final class DelegatingEventDispatcher implements EventDispatcher

A EventDispatcher which delegates the responsibilities to an aggregated delegate instance.

See also


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public DispatchOutcome dispatch(EventEnvelope event)
Dispatches the message contained in the passed envelope and returns the outcome.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> domesticEventClasses()
Obtains classes of domestic events processed by this dispatcher.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> externalEventClasses()
Obtains classes of external events processed by this dispatcher.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> messageClasses()
Obtains a set of message classes that can be processed by this dispatcher.
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Creates a new instance of DelegatingCommandDispatcher, proxying the calls to the passed delegate.
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public String toString()
Returns the string representation of this dispatcher.

Inherited functions

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public boolean canDispatch(E envelope)
Checks if this dispatcher can dispatch the given message.
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public boolean dispatchesEvents()
Verifies if this instance dispatches at least one event.
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public boolean dispatchesExternalEvents()
Verifies if this instance dispatches at least one external event.
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public ImmutableSet<EventClass> eventClasses()
Obtains classes of all events processed by this dispatcher.