Package-level declarations

This package contains classes and interfaces defining entity-oriented API and base functionality.


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public abstract class AbstractEntity<I, S extends EntityState> implements Entity<I, S>, HandlerLifecycle
Abstract base for entities.
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public final class CommandDispatchingPhase<I> extends Phase<I>
A phase that dispatched a command to the entity in transaction.
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public final class CompositeEventFilter implements EventFilter
An EventFilter which composes several other filters.
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public final class DefaultEntityFactory<E extends Entity> extends AbstractEntityFactory<E>
Default implementation of entity factory which creates entities by invoking constructor which accepts entity ID.
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public abstract class DefaultRecordBasedRepository<I, E extends AbstractEntity<I, S>, S extends EntityState> extends RecordBasedRepository<I, E, S>
Implementation of RecordBasedRepository that manages entities derived from AbstractEntity.
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public interface Entity<I, S extends EntityState> implements WithLifecycle
A server-side object with an identity.
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public interface EntityFactory<E extends Entity> implements Serializable
Base interface for objects that can create entities.
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public class EntityLifecycle
The lifecycle callbacks of an Entity.
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public final class EntityLifecycleMonitor<I> implements TransactionListener<I>
An implementation of TransactionListener which monitors the transaction flow and triggers the EntityLifecycle.
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public abstract class EntityMessageEndpoint<I, E extends Entity<I, ? extends Object>, M extends SignalEnvelope<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object>> extends AbstractMessageEndpoint<I, M>
Abstract base for endpoints handling messages sent to entities.
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public final class EntityVisibility implements Serializable
The visibility of an entity type.
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public final class EventBlackList implements EventFilter
An EventFilter which allows any events except for the events of given types.
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public final class EventDispatchingPhase<I, E extends TransactionalEntity<I, ? extends Object, ? extends Object>> extends Phase<I>
A phase that dispatches an event to the entity in transaction.
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public abstract class EventDispatchingRepository<I, E extends AbstractEntity<I, S>, S extends EntityState> extends DefaultRecordBasedRepository<I, E, S> implements EventDispatcher
Abstract base for repositories that deliver events to entities they manage.
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public final class EventFieldFilter implements EventFilter
An EventFilter which allows all the events but trims some of their message fields.
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public interface EventFilter
A filter accepting Events posted by a Repository.
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public interface EventPlayer
Plays events upon a certain entity.
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public abstract class EventPlayingTransaction<I, E extends TransactionalEntity<I, S, B>, S extends EntityState, B extends ValidatingBuilder<S>> extends Transaction<I, E, S, B>
A transaction that supports event playing.
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public interface EventProducingRepository
Operations common for repositories that can post to EventBus.
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public final class EventWhiteList implements EventFilter
An EventFilter which allows only events of given types.
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public final class FieldMasks
A utility class for creating instances of FieldMask and processing them against instances of Message.
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public interface HasLifecycleColumns<I, S extends EntityState> implements Entity<I, S>
Marks an Entity that declares columns for lifecycle flags.
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public interface HasVersionColumn<I, S extends EntityState> implements Entity<I, S>
Marks an Entity that declares a Version column.
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public final class InvalidEntityStateException
Signals that an entity state does not pass validation.
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public abstract class Migration<I, E extends TransactionalEntity<I, S, ? extends Object>, S extends EntityState> implements Function<T, R>
A stored Entity transformation done to account for the domain model changes.
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public abstract class Phase<I>
An atomic entity state change which advances the entity version.
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public final class RecentHistory
A copy of recent history of an event-sourced entity.
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public abstract class RecordBasedRepository<I, E extends Entity<I, S>, S extends EntityState> extends Repository<I, E>
The base class for repositories that store entities as records.
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public abstract class Repository<I, E extends Entity<I, ? extends Object>> implements ContextAware, Closeable
Abstract base class for repositories.
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public final class RepositoryCache<I, E extends Entity<I, ? extends Object>>
The cache of Entity objects for a certain Repository and selected identifiers.
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public abstract class StorageConverter<I, E extends Entity<I, S>, S extends EntityState> implements Serializable
An abstract base for converters of entities into EntityRecord.
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public abstract class Transaction<I, E extends TransactionalEntity<I, S, B>, S extends EntityState, B extends ValidatingBuilder<S>>
The abstract class for the entity transactions.
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public abstract class TransactionalEntity<I, S extends EntityState, B extends ValidatingBuilder<S>> extends AbstractEntity<I, S>
A base for entities, perform transactions events.
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public interface TransactionListener<I>
A common contract for the transaction listeners.
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public abstract class VersionIncrement
A strategy for incrementing a version of an entity being modified in a transaction.
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public interface WithLifecycle
Something with LifecycleFlags.