
public abstract class EntityMessageEndpoint<I, E extends Entity<I, ? extends Object>, M extends SignalEnvelope<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object>> extends AbstractMessageEndpoint<I, M>

Abstract base for endpoints handling messages sent to entities.

Loading and storing an entity is a tenant-sensitive operation, which must be performed under the context of the tenant ID in which the message we dispatch was originated.



the type of entity IDs


the type of entities


the type of message envelopes



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protected void EntityMessageEndpoint(Repository<I, E> repository, M envelope)


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protected abstract void afterDispatched(I entityId)
The callback invoked after the message is dispatched to an entity with the given ID.
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protected abstract DispatchOutcome invokeDispatcher(E entity)
Invokes entity-specific method for dispatching the message.
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protected abstract boolean isModified(E entity)
Verifies whether the entity was modified during the message dispatching.
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protected abstract void onEmptyResult(E entity)
Allows derived classes to handle empty list of uncommitted events returned by the entity in response to the message.
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protected abstract void onModified(E entity)
Callback to perform operations if the entity was modified during message dispatching.
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public Repository<I, E> repository()
Obtains the parent repository of this endpoint.
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protected final void store(E entity)
Stores the entity if it was modified during message dispatching.

Inherited functions

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public final DispatchOutcome dispatchTo(I targetId)
Dispatches the message to the target with the passed ID.
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protected final M envelope()
Obtains the envelope of the message processed by this endpoint.
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public abstract void onDuplicate(I target, M envelope)
The callback invoked if the handled signal is a duplicate.
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protected abstract DispatchOutcome performDispatch(I targetId)
Performs actual dispatching of the signal to the respective target by the passed ID.