
public final class InterfaceBasedColumn extends AbstractColumn implements ColumnDeclaredInProto, ColumnWithCustomGetter

A column declared with the help of io.spine.base.EntityWithColumns-derived interface.

An interface-based column is:

  1. Declared in Protobuf with (column) option:
            int32 year_of_registration = 8 [(column) = true];
  2. Implemented using custom Spine-generated interface:
            interface UserProfileWithColumns extends EntityWithColumns {
                int getYearOfRegistration();
            // ...
            class UserProfileProjection
    extends Projection<UserId, UserProfile, UserProfile.Builder>
                implements UserProfileWithColumns {
                public int getYearOfRegistration() {
                    return yearOfRegistration;
  3. Extracted from the entity and propagated to the entity state at the moment of transaction commit. The column value is finalized by this moment.


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public FieldDeclaration protoField()
Obtains the corresponding proto field declaration.
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public Object valueIn(EntityState state)
Extracts the column value currently stored in the entity state.
public Object valueIn(Entity<? extends Object, ? extends Object> entity)
Extracts the actual column value from the source.

Inherited functions

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public ColumnName name()
The name of the column in the storage.
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public Class<? extends Object> type()
The type of the column.