Package-level declarations

This package contains classes and interfaces for working with entity storage representation.


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public abstract class AbstractColumnMapping<R> implements ColumnMapping<R>
The basic implementation of mapping rules for entity columns.
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public interface Column
A column of the entity.
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public interface ColumnMapping<R>
The value mapping rules of entity columns.
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public final class ColumnName
A name of the column in the storage.
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public final class Columns
The collection of declared columns of the Entity.
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public interface ColumnTypeMapping<T, R> implements Function<T, R>
A persistence strategy of an entity column.
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public final class CompositeQueryParameter
A set of Filter instances joined by a logical composite operator.
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public final class DefaultColumnMapping extends AbstractColumnMapping<R>
A default column mapping which stores all values "as-is".
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public final class EntityQueries
A utility class for working with EntityQuery instances.
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public final class EntityQuery<I>
A query to a RecordStorage for the records matching the given parameters.
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public final class EntityRecordWithColumns implements WithLifecycle
A value of EntityRecord associated with the values of its columns.
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public final class InterfaceBasedColumn extends AbstractColumn implements ColumnDeclaredInProto, ColumnWithCustomGetter
A column declared with the help of io.spine.base.
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public final class QueryParameters implements Iterable<T>
The parameters of an EntityQuery.
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@Target(value = METHOD)
@Retention(value = RUNTIME)
public @interface SystemColumn
Marks an entity column declared by the Spine Framework.