
public final class EntityQuery<I>

A query to a RecordStorage for the records matching the given parameters.

Acts like a DTO between the repository and the RecordStorage.

The query contains the acceptable values of the record IDs and the entity columns.

A storage may ignore the query or throw an exception if it's specified. By default, RecordStorage supports the Entity queries.

If the accepted IDs set is empty, all the IDs are considered to be queried.

Empty query parameters are not considered when the actual data query is performed as well as the parameters which have no accepted values.

If the Column specified in the query is absent in a record, the record is considered not matching.

If both the accepted IDs set and query parameters are empty, all the records are considered matching.

If the query specifies the values of the Entity lifecycle Columns, then the default behavior will be overridden meaning that the records resulting to such query may active or inactive.



the type of the IDs of the query target

See also


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public boolean equals(Object o)
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public Set<I> getIds()
Obtains an immutable set of accepted ID values.
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Obtains a Map of the Column metadata to the column required value.
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public int hashCode()
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public boolean isLifecycleAttributesSet()
Obtains true if the query overrides the default lifecycle handling strategy, false otherwise.
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public String toString()
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Creates a new instance of EntityQuery with all the parameters from current instance and the default values of the LifecycleFlags.