
public final class UniformAcrossAllShards extends DeliveryStrategy implements Serializable

The strategy of splitting the entities into a number of shards uniformly.

Uses a hash code of the entity identifier and the remainder of its division by the total number of shards to determine the index of a shard, at which the modification is allowed. To reach the consistency of the hash code values across JVMs, the MurmurHash3, x86 variant is used.

While Guava's Hashing is marked @Beta, it is still the best option for hashing functions — not to involve any heavy-weight third-party hashing solutions.


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public static DeliveryStrategy forNumber(int totalShards)
Creates a strategy of uniform target distribution across shards, for a given shard number.
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public ShardIndex indexFor(Object entityId, TypeUrl entityStateType)
Determines the shard index for the messages heading to the entity with the specified target identifier.
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public int shardCount()
Tells how many shards there are according to this strategy.
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public static DeliveryStrategy singleShard()
Returns a pre-defined strategy instance, which defines a single shard and puts all the targets into it.

Inherited functions

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public final ShardIndex determineIndex(Object entityId, TypeUrl entityStateType)
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public static ShardIndex newIndex(int indexValue, int ofTotal)
Creates a new ShardIndex according to the passed shard index The passed shard index value must be less than the total number of shards specified.