Package-level declarations

This package is devoted to message delivery mechanism.


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public abstract class AbstractMessageEndpoint<I, M extends SignalEnvelope<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object>> implements MessageEndpoint<I, M>
An abstract base for messages endpoints.
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public abstract class AbstractWorkRegistry implements ShardedWorkRegistry
An implementation base for ShardedWorkRegistries based on a specific persistence mechanism.
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public final class AlreadyPickedUp extends FailedPickUp
Represents a scenario when shard could not be picked as it's already picked by another worker.
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public interface BatchDeliveryListener<I>
Listens to start and end of the Inbox batch delivery.
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An exception telling that the projection catch-up cannot be started, since some of the requested entities are already catching up.
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public final class CatchUpProcess<I> extends AbstractStatefulReactor<I, S, B>
A process that performs a projection catch-up.
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public final class CatchUpProcessBuilder<I>
A builder for CatchUpProcess.
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public final class CatchUpReadRequest implements ReadRequest<I>
A request to read the state of CatchUp from the storage.
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public interface CatchUpSignal
A marker interface for the signals controlling the execution of catch-up processes.
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public interface CatchUpStorage implements Storage<I, M, R>
A storage for the state of the ongoing catch-up processes.
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public interface CommandEndpoint<I> implements MessageEndpoint<I, M>
An endpoint which accepts commands.
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public final class Delivery
Delivers the messages to the entities.
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public final class DeliveryBuilder
A builder for Delivery instances.
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public class DeliveryMonitor
A controlling monitor of a Inbox Delivery process.
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public final class DeliveryStats
The statistics on delivering the messages from a certain shard.
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public abstract class DeliveryStrategy
Determines the index of a shard for the given identifier of an entity.
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public interface EventEndpoint<I> implements MessageEndpoint<I, M>
An endpoint which accepts events.
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public abstract class FailedPickUp
An abstract base for shard pick-up-related failures.
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public final class FailedReception
The evidence of an InboxMessage which has failed to be handled by its receptor, such as an event or a command handler method.
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public final class Inbox<I>
A container for the messages dispatched to a certain consumer, such as an event subscriber or a command handler.
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public final class InboxMessageComparator implements Comparator<T>, Serializable
A comparator comparing the InboxMessages so that they appear in a chronological order of their appearance in the corresponding Inbox.
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public interface InboxMessageMixin implements ShardedRecord
A mixin for InboxMessage.
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public final class InboxReadRequest implements ReadRequest<I>
A request to read a certain InboxMessage by its ID.
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public interface InboxStorage implements Storage<I, M, R>
A contract for storages of Inbox messages.
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Thrown if there is an attempt to mark a message put to Inbox with a label, which was not added for the Inbox instance.
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public interface LazyEndpoint<I, M extends SignalEnvelope<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object>> implements Function<T, R>
A lazily initialized MessageEndpoint, which should be used as a destination for inbox messages.
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public final class LocalDispatchingObserver implements ShardObserver
An observer of changes to the shard contents, which triggers immediate delivery of the sharded messages.
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public interface MessageEndpoint<I, M extends SignalEnvelope<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object>>
An endpoint for messages delivered to an abstract target.
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public interface Page<M extends ShardedRecord>
A page of messages obtained from a sharded storage in a read operation.
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public interface PickUpOutcomeMixin
A mixin of the PickUpOutcome that provides convenient methods for accessing the result.
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Specifies the way to repeat the dispatching of InboxMessages.
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public interface RepositoryLookup<I> implements Function<T, R>
A function that searches for the ProjectionRepository instance by the type URL of the state of the managed projection.
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public final class RuntimeFailure extends FailedPickUp
Represents a scenario when shard could not be picked because of some occurred exception.
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public interface ShardedRecord
A Protobuf Message used for storage in a sharded environment.
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public interface ShardedWorkRegistry
The registry of the shard indexes along with the identifiers of the nodes, which process the messages corresponding to each index.
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public interface ShardEvent
An event which is always delivered via the shard, which index is determined by the identifier of this message.
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public interface ShardObserver
An abstract base for observers of the updates made to the contents of shards.
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public final class UniformAcrossAllShards extends DeliveryStrategy implements Serializable
The strategy of splitting the entities into a number of shards uniformly.