
public final class RemoteDatabaseClient implements FirebaseClient

A FirebaseClient which operates via the Firebase REST API and the Java Admin SDK.

The client uses the Java Firebase Admin SDK for subscribing to events of a given database node. The API exposes the ChildEventListener so that the caller may build more complex "nested" subscriptions without a need to re-fetch database references.

For all the other operations, the client uses the Firebase REST API as described in the documentation.


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public final class Builder
A builder for the RemoteDatabaseClient instances.


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public void create(NodePath nodePath, NodeValue value)
Writes the specified value to the Firebase database node.
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public void delete(NodePath nodePath)
Deletes the node under the given path.
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public Optional<NodeValue> fetchNode(NodePath nodePath)
Retrieves the value of the specified Firebase database node.
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Creates a new instance of Builder for RemoteDatabaseClient instances.
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public void subscribeTo(NodePath nodePath, ChildEventListener listener)
Subscribes to the child events of the given node.
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public void update(NodePath nodePath, NodeValue value)
Merges the specified value to the Firebase database node.