
public final class FirebaseQueryBridge

An implementation of QueryBridge based on the Firebase Realtime Database.

This bridge stores the QueryResponse data to a location in a given Firebase database and retrieves the database path to that response as the result.

More formally, for each encountered Query, the bridge performs a call to the QueryService and stores the resulting entity states into the given database. The data is stored as a list of strings. Each entry is a JSON representation of an entity state. The path produced by the bridge as a result is the path to the database node containing all those records. The absolute position of such a node is not specified, thus the result path is the only way to read the data from the database.


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public final class Builder
A builder for the FirebaseQueryBridge instances.


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Creates a new instance of Builder for FirebaseQueryBridge instances.
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public FirebaseQueryResponse send(Query query)
Sends the given Query to the QueryService and stores the query response into the database.