
public abstract class Subscriber extends AbstractChannel

Subscriber for messages of a specific type.

There can be many subscribers per message type.


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protected void Subscriber(ChannelId id)


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public void addObserver(StreamObserver<ExternalMessage> observer)
Adds an observer to receive the subscription updates.
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protected final void callObservers(ExternalMessage message)
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public void close()
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public boolean isStale()
Allows to understand whether this channel is stale and can be closed.
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public Iterable<StreamObserver<ExternalMessage>> observers()
Obtains current observers registered in this instance of Subscriber which receive the subscription updates.
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public void onMessage(ExternalMessage message)
Passes the given message to observers.
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public void removeObserver(StreamObserver<ExternalMessage> observer)
Removes an existing observer and disconnects it from this subscription channel.

Inherited functions

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public static ChannelId channelIdFor(TypeUrl messageType)
Converts the given message type into a ChannelId.
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public ChannelId id()
Obtains the channel identifier.
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public TypeUrl targetType()
Obtains the type of the messages transferred through this channel.