
public final class StateUpdateRouting<I> extends MessageRouting<M, C, R>

A routing schema used to deliver entity state updates.

A routing schema consists of a default route and custom routes per entity state class. When calculating targets to be notified on the updated state, StateUpdateRouting would see if there is a custom route set for the type of the entity state. If not found, the default route will be applied.



the type of the entity IDs to which the updates are routed


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public static StateUpdateRouting<I> newInstance<I>(Class<I> idClass)
Creates a new StateUpdateRouting.
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public StateUpdateRouting<I> route<S extends EntityState>(Class<S> stateClass, StateUpdateRoute<I, S> via)
Sets a custom route for the passed entity state class.
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public boolean supports(Class<? extends EntityState> stateType)
Verifies if the passed state type can be routed by a custom route, or the message has a field matching the type of identifiers served by this routing.

Inherited functions

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public BiFunction<T, U, V> andThen<V>(Function<? extends Object, ? extends V> after)
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public R apply(M message, C context)
Obtains IDs of entities to which the passed message should be delivered.
public abstract R apply(T p, U p1)
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protected Route<M, C, R> defaultRoute()
Obtains the default route used by the schema.
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public void remove(Class<? extends M> messageClass)
Removes a route for the passed message class.