
public CatchUpId catchUp(Timestamp since, Set<I> ids)

Repeats the dispatching of the events from the event log to the requested entities since the specified time.

At the beginning of the process the state of each of the entities is set to the default.

During this process, the entities receive continuous updates to their state. After the catch-up is completed, the framework automatically resumes the dispatching of ongoing live events. When the catch-up is completed, a CatchUpCompleted event is emitted. One may use the identifier of the catch-up process and subscribe to the events of this type to understand whether the operation is done.

The subscriptions to the entity state updates (i.e. EntityStateChanged) events are not supported in the catch-up.


identifier of the catch-up operation



point in the past, since which the catch-up should be performed


identifiers of the entities to catch up, null means that all entities should be caught up

See also

on a shortcut method which starts the catch-up for all entities in this repository


if another catch-up for the same entity type and overlapping targets is already in progress