
public final class RemoveProjectionFromStorage<I, P extends Projection<I, S, B>, S extends EntityState, B extends ValidatingBuilder<S>> extends ProjectionMigration<I, P, S, B>

A migration operation that physically deletes the entity record from the storage.

Depending on the actual storage implementation, this operation may be irreversible, so it should be used in the client code with care.

See also


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public S apply(S s)

Inherited functions

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public Function<T, V> andThen<V>(Function<? extends Object, ? extends V> after)
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public Function<V, R> compose<V>(Function<? extends Object, ? extends T> before)
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protected final I id()
Returns the ID of an entity under migration.
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public static Function<T, T> identity<T>()
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protected final boolean isArchived()
Returns true if the entity under migration is archived.
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protected final boolean isDeleted()
Returns true if the entity under migration is deleted.
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protected final void markArchived()
Marks the entity under migration as archived.
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protected final void markDeleted()
Marks the entity under migration as deleted.
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protected final void removeFromStorage()
Configures the migration operation to delete the entity record from the storage.
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protected abstract Transaction<I, E, S, ? extends Object> startTransaction(E entity)
protected Transaction<I, P, S, ? extends Object> startTransaction(P entity)
Opens a transaction on an entity.
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protected final Version version()
Returns the version of entity under migration.