
public final class MethodParams

Provides information about parameters of a method.


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public boolean are(Array<Class<? extends Object>> types)
Verifies if these parameters are exactly of the respective passed types.
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public boolean equals(Object o)
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Obtains the argument filter if it is specified for the first argument of this instance of method parameters.
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public static boolean firstIsCommand(Method method)
Finds out if the first method parameter is a CommandMessage.
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public int hashCode()
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public boolean is(TypeMatcher type)
Verifies if the method has only one parameter matching the passed criterion.
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public boolean match(Array<TypeMatcher> criteria)
public boolean match(List<TypeMatcher> criteria)
Verifies if these parameters satisfy the respective type matchers.
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public static MethodParams of(SubscriberMethod method)
Obtains parameters of the subscriber method.
public static MethodParams of(Method method)
Obtains parameters from the passed method.
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public int size()
Obtains the number of parameters passed to the method.
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public String toString()
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public Class<? extends Object> type(int index)
Obtains the type of the method parameter.