
public final class HandlerFieldFilterClashError extends ModelError

An error indicating that two message handlers have clashing ByField filtering signatures.

Two handlers clash if they handle the same type of message but filter messages by different fields. For example:

    \@Subscribe(filter = @ByField(path = "member_count", value = "0"))
    public void onProject(ProjectStarted event) {

    \@Subscribe(filter = @ByField(path = "by.admin", value = "false"))
    public void onStarted(ProjectStarted event) {

Both methods onProject and onStarted subscribe to ProjectStarted but filter the events by member_count and by.admin fields respectively. This is an invalid situation, since both filters could be satisfied simultaneously.

Inherited properties

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Inherited functions

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public final synchronized void addSuppressed(Throwable exception)
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public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace()
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public synchronized Throwable getCause()
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public String getMessage()
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public final synchronized Array<Throwable> getSuppressed()
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public synchronized Throwable initCause(Throwable cause)
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public void printStackTrace()
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public void setStackTrace(Array<StackTraceElement> stackTrace)
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public String toString()