
public final class EventEnricher extends Enricher<M, C>

Enriches events after they are stored, and before they are dispatched.

Enrichment schema is constructed like this:

  Enricher enricher = Enricher
      .add(MyEvent.class, MyEnrichment.class,
           new EventEnrichmentFn<MyEvent, EventContext, MyEnrichment> { ... } )


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public final class Builder extends EnricherBuilder<M, C, B>
The builder for EventEnricher.


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Creates a new builder.

Inherited functions

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public Optional<Enrichment> createEnrichment(M message, C context)
Creates an enrichment for the passed message.
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public E enrich<E extends EnrichableMessageEnvelope<? extends Object, ? extends Object, M, C, E>>(E source)
Enriches the passed message if it can be enriched.