
public final class DispatchOutcomes

A utility for working with DispatchOutcome instances.


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public static DispatchOutcome maybeSentToInbox<I>(SignalEnvelope<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object> signal, Optional<I> entityId)
Returns an outcome, which tells that the passed signal was intended to be sent to the inbox of the entity with the passed ID.
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public static DispatchOutcome publishedToRemote(EventEnvelope event)
Returns an outcome signifying that the given event has been published to a remote channel, most likely, to another Bounded Context.
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public static DispatchOutcome sentToInbox<I>(EventEnvelope event, Set<I> entityIds)
Returns an outcome, which tells that the passed event was sent to several inboxes of entities with the passed identifiers.
public static DispatchOutcome sentToInbox<I>(SignalEnvelope<? extends Object, ? extends Object, ? extends Object> signal, I entityId)
Returns an outcome, which tells that the passed signal was sent to the inbox of the entity with the passed ID.
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public static DispatchOutcome successfulOutcome(MessageId messageId)
Returns an outcome, which tells about a successful dispatching of the message with the passed ID.
public static DispatchOutcome successfulOutcome(CommandEnvelope command)
Returns an outcome, which tells about a successful dispatching of the passed command envelope.
public static DispatchOutcome successfulOutcome(EventEnvelope event)
Returns an outcome, which tells about a successful dispatching of the passed event envelope.