
public final class AggregateReadRequest<I> implements ReadRequest<I>

A request to read events for a particular Aggregate from AggregateStorage.

A result of processing this request is a record, which satisfies the request criteria.

In addition to a record identifier, this request implementation requires the batch size for event reading to be set. Typically that would be a number of event records to read to encounter the most recent snapshot.

Two requests with the same record ID are considered equal. Batch size is not taken into account, because it should affect only process of reading, but resulting records should be the same.



the type of the record ID


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public void AggregateReadRequest(I recordId, int batchSize)


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public int batchSize()
Obtains the number of events to read per batch.
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public boolean equals(Object o)
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public int hashCode()
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public I recordId()
Obtains the ID of the requested record.