
public final class Events

Utility class for working with Event objects.


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public static EventId checkValid(EventId id)
Ensures that the passed ID is valid.
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public static EventMessage ensureMessage(Message eventOrMessage)
Extracts an event message if the passed instance is an Event object or Any, otherwise returns the passed message.
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public static EventId generateId()
Creates a new EventId based on random UUID.
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public static Stringifier<EventId> idStringifier()
Obtains the stringifier for event IDs.
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public static Iterable<M> nothing<M extends EventMessage>()
Creates an empty Iterable over the messages of the type <M>.
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public static Event toExternal(Event event)
Marks the given event as external.
public static ImmutableList<Event> toExternal(List<Event> events)
Marks all the given events as external.