Package-level declarations

This package provides classes and interfaces for backend part of the system.

Some of the classes in this package are also generated from Protobuf. Those classes represent general data structures for working with backend data in a multi-language system.

Classes and interfaces under this package are NOT meant be at the client site of an application.


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public abstract class BoundedContext implements Closeable
A logical and structural boundary of a model.
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public final class BoundedContextBuilder
A builder for producing BoundedContext instances.
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public interface Closeable implements AutoCloseable
Base interface for server-side objects that may hold resources that need to be released at the end of the lifecycle of the object.
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public final class CommandService
The CommandService allows client applications to post commands and receive updates from the application backend.
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public abstract class ConnectionBuilder
Abstract base for builders of objects that depend on or expose server-side gRPC objects.
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public interface ContextAware
A structural part of a Bounded Context which is aware of the other parts.
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public final class ContextSpec
Specification of a bounded context.
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public interface DefaultRepository
The marker interface for the repositories which do not require creating a custom subclass of Repository.
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public interface EventProducer
An object with identity which produces events.
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public final class GrpcContainer
Wrapping container for gRPC server.
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public final class Identity
Utilities for exposing identity of a server-side object as io.spine.core.
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public interface MessageError
A common interface for errors that prevent a message from being processed by the server.
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public interface MessageInvalid implements MessageError
An interface for the MessageError types which report a message being invalid.
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public final class QueryService
The QueryService provides a synchronous way to fetch read-side state from the server.
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public final class Server
Exposes one or more Bounded Contexts using CommandService, QueryService and SubscriptionService.
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public final class ServerEnvironment implements AutoCloseable
The server conditions and configuration under which the application operates.
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public final class SubscriptionService
The SubscriptionService provides an asynchronous way to fetch read-side state from the server.