Package-level declarations

This package provides classes and interfaces related to CommandBus and its configuration.


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public final class CommandBus extends UnicastBus<T, E, C, D>
Dispatches the incoming commands to the corresponding handler.
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public interface CommandDispatcher implements UnicastDispatcher<C, E>
Delivers commands to their handlers.
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public interface CommandDispatcherDelegate
A common interface for objects which need to dispatch the commands, but are unable to implement the CommandDispatcher.
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public abstract class CommandException extends RuntimeException implements MessageError
Abstract base for exceptions related to commands.
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public interface CommandFlowWatcher
A set of callbacks invoked when a command processing reaches a given point.
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public final class CommandPostingException extends RuntimeException
Exception that is thrown when a command could not be posted to a CommandBus.
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public abstract class CommandScheduler implements BusFilter<E>, Closeable
Schedules commands delivering them to the target according to the scheduling options.
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A CommandDispatcher, that delegates the responsibilities to an aggregated delegate instance.
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The command scheduler implementation which uses basic Java task scheduling features.
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The exception for reporting invalid commands.
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Exception that is thrown when unsupported command is obtained or in case there is no class for given Protobuf command message.