Package-level declarations

This package provides classes and interfaces related to command processing at the server side.


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public abstract class AbstractCommandDispatcher implements CommandDispatcher, ContextAware
The abstract base for non-aggregate classes that dispatch commands to their methods and post resulting events to EventBus.
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The abstract base for classes that generate commands in response to incoming messages.
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public abstract class AbstractCommandHandler extends AbstractCommandDispatcher implements CommandHandler
The abstract base for non-aggregate classes that expose command handling methods and post their results to EventBus.
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Marks a method as command handler.
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@Retention(value = RUNTIME)
@Target(value = METHOD)
public @interface Command
Marks a commanding method.
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public interface Commander implements CommandReceiver, EventReceiver
An interface common for objects that post one or more command in response to an incoming message.
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public interface CommandHandler implements CommandReceiver
A common interface for objects which declare one or more methods assigned to handle commands, producing events in response.
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public abstract class CommandHandlingEntity<I, S extends EntityState, B extends ValidatingBuilder<S>> extends TransactionalEntity<I, S, B> implements CommandHandler
An entity that handles commands.
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public interface CommandReceiver implements EventProducer
Common interface for all objects that receive commands in the end of the dispatching.
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public final class DispatchCommand<I>
A command dispatch operation.
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public final class Rejections
A set of utilities for working with rejections and ThrowableMessages.